- The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) is an alliance of railroad passengers and citizens who want a transportation choice in this country.
- Community Transportation Association
- Welcome to Imagine City “We are dedicated to making cities better for life.”
- The Albuquerque Rapid Transit Project (RTP) seeks to identify a preferred alignment for implementation of Albuquerque’s first rapid transit route.
- Citizens for Sensible Transportation is a grassroots organization based in Portland Oregon that helps people to build better communities with less traffic and reduced reliance on the automobile.
- Rail Volution is the national conference on building livable communities with transit. Includes several links to groups with an interest in rail and sustainable growth.
- The American Passenger Rail Coalition (APRC), a national association of railroad equipment suppliers and rail businesses, acts as an advocate for the highest quality and safest intercity rail passenger system in the United States.
- The Sierra Club’s “stop sprawl” website, featuring reports and links to many sprawl sites.
- The purpose of the Transit Alliance is to contribute to the economic vitality, the quality of life, and the environment of the Denver metropolitan region by promoting public transit as part of a balanced, multi-modal transportation network.
- United Rail Passenger Alliance is dedicated to preservation of the present rail passenger system, and encouraging its expansion.
- Trams for Bath (England) is a non-profit group which supports the installation of a modern electric tramway network as the core of an integrated public transport solution to Baths traffic problems.
- Light Rail Transit Association. Information and campaigning about better public transport through trams, tramways, streetcars and light rail transit systems.
- Tucsonans for Sensible Transportation promotes the concept that light rail as the flagship of a comprehensive transit system is a proven, practical way to transform Tucson’s future for the better.
- Citizens for Modern Transit, or CMT, is a transit advocacy group whose purpose is to work towards building communities and improving the quality of life in the St. Louis region through alternative methods of transportation.
- The Surface Transportation Policy Project (STPP) is a non-profit organization working to ensure a diversified transportation system.
- MISSOURI-KANSAS Rail Passenger Coalition (MOKSRail) works for a more balanced transportation system.
- The Light Rail Now Project is a charitable educational enterprise designed to support efforts both within North America and worldwide to develop and improve light rail transit (LRT) and other rail transit and mass transportation systems.
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