Clean Air

“Clear skies and clean air must become the new normal. We must re-design our cities, reclaiming the streets for cycling and walking, allowing people to walk along streets unpolluted by traffic.”
— Caroline Lucas

City’s “Streetcar II” Deserves Serious Consideration

July 31st, 2012 by

Albuquerque Journal,  April 6, 2009) We Albuquerqueños have finally arrived at a point in our history at which we realize that we need more and better transit. This is the good news. The bad news is that, unlike our sister … Continue reading

From Feet to Rail — We Need it All

March 9th, 2012 by

1994, revised 2002 Why do we keep having the same arguments over and over in New Mexico – argumetns long since resolved just about every place else? Why are the accepted, sensible policies of most of the civilized world considered … Continue reading

Chew on This

September 1st, 2011 by

13 Reasons We Need Passenger Rail A modern small automobile with two passengers generates almost 25 times the air pollution, per passenger mile, as a four car commuter train at 35% capacity.  Two sets of commuter rail tracks will handle … Continue reading