Overlooked Benefits

BULLETIN September 2003



Overlooked Benefits
There seems to be a new day finally dawning in New Mexico in the twin areas of transportation and energy. People are talking more seriously about solar and wind enerty, and rail has recently made it into public discussion.

At RAILS Inc., our big obesssions at the moment are avoiding the Bus Trap and clearing up the confusion over different kinds of trains – light, trolley, and commuter.

The Bus Trap is what we call the well-intentioned mind-set that asks, “If we can’t get people to ride the bus, how will we get them on the trains?” This attitude feels that you need to work your way through various bus modes, and perhaps Rail some day. We say that if you focus on passenger rail, make it a priority, the public will be much more receptive to better transportation and the other “modes” will organize themselves into a coherent multimodal system. Abundant proof of this is all around us – Denver, Dallas, Salt Lake City, etc.

People in general, and transportation reformers in particular, need to know that rail is essential to the intermodal picture; not some day in the future, but soon. There are many types of trains, several of which are very economical and can be installed within months.

Many are already aware of some of the advantages of rail anchored multimodal transportation – clean air, promotion of sensible land use and development, etc. There are many other lesser known advantages, such as:

  • Fuel economy
  • Longevity and low maintenance
  • Popularity with the public
  • Independence from most traffic problems
  • No tire maintenance and disposal problems
  • Much more efficient use of materials and land per passenger mile
  • Close compatibility with renewble energy systems
  • Compatibililty with all other modes of transportation
  • Much less noise, intrusion and odor inflicted on its surroundings


Contact your friends, neighbors and political leaders and let them know you support rail transportation and renewable energy as the anchors of a safer, cleaner and more economically and ecologically viable New Mexico.

Contact us for more information.

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