Proposing a service for New Mexico regional Rail that’s already part of transit systems just about everywhere else.

Modest Proposals
Friends of the Rail Runner
October 18th, 2022 by danGetting the Most Out of Our Tracks
August 9th, 2022 by danMay 2012 Background: As you may have heard, the present alignment of the SW Chief is not assured beyond the next couple of years. At risk is the segment that runs from Newton, KS to Lamy, NM (636 track miles). … Continue reading
The Rail Interstate
August 8th, 2022 by danA Case for Public Ownership of our Track Networks
The Yard Bird
August 7th, 2022 by danThe Albuquerque Journal published an op ed on December 26, by our JW, related to the redevelopment of the Rail Yards and the role of Rail transit in this process. In said article we propose a modern Rail shuttle between … Continue reading
The Tomorrow Train
July 8th, 2012 by admin23 January 2011 ( Another Brain Bomb From Rails Inc ) Written 1994 Revised 2006 Revised 2011 The “Tomorrow Train Railroad” (TTRR) would be a popular service like the Cumbres-Toltec RR, except not much like it at all: 1) … Continue reading
Rocky Mountain Flyer: Filling In The Blanks Out West
March 19th, 2012 by dan(Published in Rail magazine # 25, Spring 2010) The Three-Legged Stool After the attacks of September 11, 2001, our entire commercial air fleet was grounded for several days, leaving us almost entirely auto-dependent for our transportation needs, and adding to … Continue reading
Coach Plus
March 19th, 2012 by adminDrafted 1993 Revised 2009 Amtrak’s long-distance trains offer several levels of accommodation: basic Coach (a comfortable reclining seat, water, rest rooms) and several levels of Sleeper service. There is a big price gap between Coach and the most economical Sleeper. … Continue reading
Proposing the Carcatcher
March 1st, 2005 by danThe January 2005 commuter rail disaster in Southern California (train hit an SUV, 25 dead) points up a serious passenger rail safety problem; one we think can be greatly reduced without much trouble or cost: To save time and space, … Continue reading